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MacKillop Catholic Primary School School Board

MacKillop School Board

Catholic Parish school boards have been and are being established with the blessing of the Bishops of Queensland. The board is a policy-making and management structure which seeks to work toward the achievement of the Church's educational mission. It is a policy-making team consisting of people who have an awareness of the Church's educational mission and who together build policies that are based on gospel values. The policies give direction to the school and seek to promote our distinctive identity. The Board is guided by a Constitution, approved by the Bishop, and by the policies of the Diocesan Catholic Education Office through its Director. The Board is begun only after careful preparation and it also plans continuing ongoing in-service for its members.


Our School Board currently meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7.00pm in the Library Media Room.

Board Members

Mrs Allison Blakey - Principal

Fr Raju Mandothparambil - Parish Priest

Mrs Helen Privett - Special Religious Character Member

TBA - Staff Member

Mr Matthew Dalton - Parent Member

Mrs Rebecca Warne - Parent Member

Mrs Michele Jensen - Regional Board Liaison Member

The aim of the Board is to assist our school to fulfil its Catholic educational responsibility within the terms of the general pastoral and educational goals of the Diocese.


The first responsibility is to assist the school staff to apply the ideals stated in the school's "Mission Statement".  The Mission Statement is really a statement of philosophy declaring what the local faith community wants our Catholic school to be and do.


The Board has specific decision-making responsibilities in the areas of:

(a) Policy making and management
(b) Provision and Maintenance of Buildings and Plant
(c) Budgeting
(d) Communication


The Board has an advisory role in the areas of:

(e) Curriculum
(f) Staffing




In order to elect school board members or be eligible for election a person has to have participated in a BOARD EDUCATION PROGRAM (at some time) designed to give interested persons an understanding of the aims, role and functions of our parish school Board.

The Board Education program focuses on key aspects of the Board's operation such as Shared Ministry (which looks at the Church's vision for education, the structure and functions of the Board and the school's Catholic educational vision expressed in its "Mission Statement"); Responsibilities, Relationships, and Membership.

Elections for Board members are normally held annually at the February/March meeting and the opportunity for participation in a "Board Education program" is offered to all interested persons before that meeting.



It is one of the roles of the School Board to develop and review school policies. MacKillop has a number of policies that have been developed. Each of these gives direction to the school’s operation in a specific area. Policies can be provided, upon request, from the School Office.



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