Student Protection
At MacKillop Catholic Primary School any concerns or reasonable suspicions about a student’s safety and wellbeing or the behaviour of a staff member or volunteer which a student considers to be inappropriate, will continue to be managed in accordance with Rockhampton Catholic Education Student Protection Processes.
Our School Contacts
Allison Blakey
Helen Privett
Assistant Principal – Religious Education
Yvette Iturbe
Assistant Principal – Curriculum
Wendy Parker
School Counsellor
Deb Caruana
Outside School Hours Care Coordinator
Further information about Rockhampton Catholic Education’s commitment to Student Protection, click the button below.
Student Welfare
For students who require extra social or emotional support we have a school counsellor who works at the school every Wednesday. If you would like your child to have access to the counsellor you need to see the office for a referral form. Usually children see the counsellor anywhere from 3 to 6 visits (can be more if required). Children are seen on a priority basis after discussion with the Principal and Counsellor.